The File Server could not be started because the File Sharing Extension could not be found.
You can not use “^1” as an owner name. Please enter another name.
A problem with your system was encountered. Please reinstall your system software.
AppleTalk is currently off. You need to turn it on using the Chooser.
There is already a user or group named “^1” in the Users & Groups control panel. Please choose another name.
Once an Owner Name and/or a Machine Name have been entered, they cannot be set back to blank.
program linking
file sharing
The password cannot have more than 8 characters.
The default name “^1” is already in use on the AppleTalk network. Please enter a Macintosh name.
The name “^1” is already in use on the AppleTalk network. Please choose another Macintosh name in the Sharing Setup control panel.
A folder named “^1” could not be shared, because there is another shared folder with the same name.
The folder “^1” is in the Trash, and could not be shared.
The folder “^1” is inside another shared folder, and could not be shared.
A file sharing data file had to be replaced, and folders may no longer be shared.
You are about to start file sharing without having given yourself a password, and this is not advised.
There are users currently linked to your programs, and the links will be immediatly broken.
Your name could not be saved, because it is the same as one already used.
Your owner name needs to be entered before ^1 can be enabled.
File sharing could not be enabled.
File sharing could not be enabled because an AppleTalk error occured.
The name “^1” is already in use on the AppleTalk network. Please choose another Macintosh name.
Your Macintosh name could not be registered on the Appletalk network (unknown error).
There was not enough memory to enable file sharing.
Program linking is on. Click Stop to prevent other users from linking to your shared programs.
Program linking is off. Click Start to allow other users to link to your shared programs.
The Sharing Setup control panel could not be opened, because the Users & Groups Data File in the Preferences folder is bad. Drag that file out of the Preferences folder and restart your computer.
^0’s Macintosh
File sharing will be disabled in less than a minute. Click Cancel to leave it on.
File sharing will be disabled in one minute. Click Cancel to leave it on.
File sharing will turn off in ^0 minutes. Click Cancel to leave it on.
File sharing is starting up. Click Cancel to discontinue starting up.
File sharing is on. Click Stop to prevent other users from accessing shared folders.
File sharing is off. Click Start to allow other users to access shared folders.